Sputnik Magazin

Kategorie => Der kritische Blick => Reden => Thema gestartet von: Mohale am 18. Juni 2022, 14:26:42

Title: Powerful Nelson Mandela Interview at Town Hall, USA that amazed the whole ...
Beitrag von: Mohale am 18. Juni 2022, 14:26:42
Powerful Nelson Mandela Interview at Town Hall, USA that amazed the whole world (June 21st 1990)

This ABC News special features the first interview granted by Nelson Mandela on his June 1990 visit to the United States. Mr. Mandela speaks with Ted Koppel for 71 minutes and answers questions from the studio audience. Topics covered include his 27 years in South Africa's prisons, the struggle against apartheid and its eventual collapse, and the future of a united South Africa. News footage and analysis bookend the interview and place the viewer unfamiliar with events in context.  Shared for historical purposes. I do not own the rights.

Video in English | Video in Englisch

Quelle: Pan-African Daily TV (https://www.youtube.com/c/PanAfricanDailyTV)
Title: Antw:Powerful Nelson Mandela Interview at Town Hall, USA that amazed the whole ...
Beitrag von: Mohale am 19. Juni 2022, 05:03:11
Mandelas Masterclass-Rede vor der NATO, in der er sagte, ,,Ihr Feind ist nicht Afrikas Feind"

Video in English with German subtitles | Video in English mit deutschen Untertitel

Rede von Nelson Madela in der Meisterklasse in der Aaron Davis Hall im City College of New York
,,Dein Feind ist nicht Afrikas Feind"

Quelle: 2nacheki (https://www.youtube.com/c/2nacheki)